Thursday, August 2, 2018


Now, as I said in my introduction post, I roleplay.

Roleplaying is actually really fun! It lets me improve my writing, think of things on the spot, and also it give me a goal in my art. Drawing OCs helps me to improve my art, especially if I want them to look good. I also can express my ideas and I can view other personalities and how people think.

Roleplaying is taking your mind into the story and your character. I personally believe that roleplaying as your own character would help others improve writing, characters, and their experience. Making your own character is very hard, though I do have a lot I mass produced.

  • You have to create the design
  • You have to create the name/backstory/personality (This takes a long time.)
  • You have to make the character likable
Now, making a character likable is hard. I get lucky in some, usually because I take inspiration from other characters. It's very hard to create a 100% original character and not take inspiration off of others. I doubt anyone has done that. Characters need inspiration, so you need to find an idea and stick with it. 

(haha I'm going off the main point)

Anyways, having a character gives you an understanding of people. Now, it may seem weird, especially if you have a character that's not normal like Kokichi Ouma. But but but! Those characters have a part that is like your average person. Relatable characters work well, especially if it's for beginners.

(I'm not a professional :')))

Characters that are a bit off from your normal, everyday person takes more skill. I wouldn't suggest someone making a character like this if you're starting off roleplaying and/or making characters. The characters that would fall into this category would be...
  • Violent characters
  • Insane characters
  • Detective-like characters
Now, I'm not saying that people can't start off with a detective-like character, but I wouldn't recommend it. It takes a lot of skills to play it. If you are good at it, go ahead!

(haha I need to make a conclusion to this I can't keep writing this forever)

This is turning more into a tips list but eh.

I'm going to leave it at that. I'll write more some day. Thanks for reading!

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